Zend Framework 3 Now Available

The Greatest Framework Since ZF 1

Zend Framework 3 Logo
After 17 months of effort, hundreds of releases, tens of thousands of commits by hundreds of contributors, and millions of installs, Zend finally announced the immediate availability of Zend Framework 3.

Increased Performance

According to Zend, the performance increase is ~ 4x on PHP 5, and even greater performance on PHP 7 - which is now fully supported - compared to previous version of Zend Framework. Naturally, they claim that they have improved documentation.

Ships with a Micro-Framework

The Zend Framework 3 also included a number of new features, primarily around PSR-7 (HTTP Message interfaces) support. These include:
  • Diactoros: the original and leading PSR-7 implementation in the PHP ecosystem.
  • Stratigility: a PSR-7 middleware foundation based on the node.js Sencha Connect
  • Expressive: a PSR-7 middleware microframework

If you are already familiar with our MVC, or want to get started with it, we have created a new version of the Zend Framework 3 Skeleton Application that ships with minimal dependencies, and provides a number of convenience features including the ability to select optional packages at installation, as well as auto-register components and modules when adding them to your application.

Head over to the Zend Framework 3 tutorials site to get your hands dirty with ZF3.


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