Google Updated Hotel Price Ads Partner Front-End

Google Hotel Finder

There is a newer version of Google Hotel Finder HPA partner front-end available. New version allows partners to view their performance across various dimensions such as user location & google site, to manage groups and bids, and to troubleshoot issues.

What's new in Hotel Pricing Ads PFE?

Group Management

The 'Groups' section provides performance information for all properties or for user­defined groups of properties. One of the advantages of creating groups is that you can track performance for the group. Clicking on the group displays performance information for the group. More details on the performance section is found below.


The 'overview' tab in the Performance section is a great way to get a high level view of the performance of HPA. At a quick glance, this page displays trends over time, performance by geography and across Google sites. This section allows the user to view overall performance information for a selected date range. The top row of information displays aggregate data for clicks, impressions, CTR, Average CPC and cost.


Once the group of hotels or individual hotel is selected, the bid can be set by using a combination of the base bid and a set of bid multipliers.

New Partner Dashboard is available here.


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